Research interests
My research aims at understanding the deformation of the Earth's crust on decadal time scales. I mainly use geodetic observations (GNSS, strainmeters and InSAR) and mechanical models. I am particularly interested in the dynamics of aseismic slip on faults and its interactions with earthquakes. I have been involved in projects in various tectonic contexts including the Mexico, Japan, Alaska and Kamchatka subduction zones, the North Anatolian and the San Andreas strike-slip faults as well as the taiwanese orogenic prism. Below is a list of my academic publications.
Submitted publications

[S1] The slow slip event cycle along the Izmit segment of the North Anatolian Fault
Estelle Neyrinck, Baptiste Rousset, Cécile Doubre, Luis Rivera, Cécile Lasserre, Marie-Pierre Doin, Philippe Durand, Roger Bilham, Ziyadin Çakir, FLATSIM Working Group

Peer-reviewed publications

[17] Geodetic matched filter slow slip event detection along the northern Japan subduction zones (2024)
L. Marill, D. Marsan, B. Rousset and A. Socquet
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 129, e2024JB029342
[ doi - pdf - supplement ]

[16] Intermittence of transient slow slip in the Mexican subduction zone (2023)
Z. El Yousfi, M. Radiguet, B. Rousset, A. Husker, V. Kostoglodov and E. Kazachkina
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 620, 118340.
[ doi - pdf - supplement ]

[15] The 2013 slab-wide Kamchatka earthquake sequence (2023)
B. Rousset, M. Campillo, N. M. Shapiro, A. Walpersdorf, N. Titkov, and D.V. Chebrov
Geophysical Research Letters, 50, e2022GL101856.
[ doi - pdf - supplement ]

[14] Monitoring seismic velocity changes across the San Jacinto fault using train‐generated seismic tremors (2022)
Y. Sheng, A. Mordret, K. Sager, F. Brenguier, P. Boué, B. Rousset, F. Vernon and Y. Ben-Zion
Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2022GL098509
[ doi - pdf - supplement ]

[13] Fourteen-year acceleration along the japan trench (2021)
L. Marill, D. Marsan, A. Socquet, M. Radiguet, N. Cotte and B. Rousset
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126, e2020JB021226
[ doi - pdf - supplement ]

[12] Weeks-long and years-long slow slip and tectonic tremor episodes on the south central Alaska megathrust (2019)
B. Rousset, Y. Fu, N, Bartlow and R. Bürgmann
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 124,13392–13403
[ doi - pdf - supplement ]

[11] Months‐Long Subduction Slow Slip Events Avoid the Stress Shadows of Seismic Asperities (2019)
B. Rousset
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 124, 7227–7230.
[ doi - pdf ]

[10] Slow slip events in the roots of the San Andreas fault (2019)
B. Rousset, R.Bürgmann and M. Campillo
Science Advances, 5(2), eaav3274.
[ doi - pdf - supplement ]

[9] Development of a slow earthquake database (2018)
M. Kano and 28 co-authors
[ doi - pdf - database ]

[8] Revealing the cluster of slow transients behind a large slow slip event (2018)
W.B. Frank, B. Rousset, C. Lasserre and M. Campillo
Science Advances, 4(5):eaat0661.
[ doi - pdf - supplement ]

[7] A geodetic matched‐filter search for slow slip with application to the Mexico subduction zone (2017)
B. Rousset, M. Campillo, C. Lasserre, W.B, Frank, N. Cotte , A. Walpersdorf, A. Socquet, and V. Kostoglodov, E. Cabral-Cano
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 122(12):10,498–10,514.
[ doi - pdf - supplement - catalog ]

[6] From the seismic cycle to long-term deformation: linking seismic coupling and Quaternary coastal geomorphology along the Andean megathrust (2017)
M. Saillard, L. Audin, B. Rousset, J.-P. Avouac, M. Chlieh, S.R. Hall, L. Husson, D. L. Farber
Tectonics, 36, 241–256.
[ doi - pdf - supplement]

[5] Lateral Variations of Interplate Coupling along the Mexican Subduction Interface: Relationships with Long-Term Morphology and Fault Zone Mechanical Properties (2016)
B. Rousset, C. Lasserre, N. Cubas, S.E. Graham , M. Radiguet, C. DeMets, A. Socquet, M. Campillo, V. Kostoglodov, E. Cabral-Cano, N. Cotte and A. Walpersdorf
Pure and Applied Geophysics, 173, 3467–3486.
[ doi - pdf - supplement ]

[4] Slow Slip History for the Mexico Subduction Zone: 2005 Through 2011 (2016)
S.E. Graham, C. DeMets, E. Cabral-Cano, V. Kostoglodov, B. Rousset, A. Walpersdorf, N. Cotte, C. Lasserre, R. McCaffrey and L. Salazar-Tlaczani
Pure and Applied Geophysics, 173, 3445-3465.
[ doi - pdf - supplement - movie ]

[3] An aseismic slip transient on the North Anatolian Fault (2016)
B. Rousset, R. Jolivet, M. Simons, C. Lasserre, B. Riel, P. Milillo, Z. Çakir and F. Renard
Geophysical Research Letters, 43, 3254-3262.
[ doi - pdf - supplement ]

[2] Uncovering the geodetic signature of silent slip through repeating earthquakes (2015)
W.B. Frank, M. Radiguet, B. Rousset, N.M. Shapiro, A.L. Husker, V. Kostoglodov, N. Cotte, and M. Campillo
Geophysical Research Letters , 42, 2774-2779.
[ doi - pdf - supplement ]

[1] Postseismic deformation following the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake, Taiwan: Implication for lower-crust rheology (2012)
B. Rousset, S. Barbot, J.-P. Avouac, and Y.-J. Hsu
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 117, B12405.
[ doi - pdf ]

Chargé de recherche CNRS

Université de Strasbourg

Institut Terre & Environnement de Strasbourg

D508, Institut Terre et Environnement de Strasbourg
5 rue René Descartes
67084 Strasbourg